Infants and Toddlers Curriculum


Zoo-Phonics - Toddler through PreK Curriculum

Zoo-phonics® is an effective and proven methodology!

  • The Animal Alphabet helps children remember the shapes and sounds of the letters.
  • Letter sounds are taught before letter names.
  • Lowercase letters are taught before capital letters.
  • The Body Movement for each Animal Letter helps “cement” the phonemic information into memory.
  • The alphabet is taught sequentially, and as a whole entity, “a – z.” The alphabet is not fragmented.
  • Short vowels are taught before long vowels.
  • Phonemic patterns (at, bat, fat, sat, etc.) are taught first, rather than random word lists (of, it, then, was, etc.)
  • The Zoo-phonics® curriculum is fully integrated with other subjects. 

Click here for a breif video about ZooPhonics:

Saxon Math - PreK Curriculum


Saxon Kindergarten Math helps teach the foundational skills that children require, including oral counting; recognizing and sequencing numbers; acting out addition and subtraction stories; counting with one-to-one correspondence; identifying and counting pennies, nickels, and dimes; sorting; telling time to the hour; and using a calendar.