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Set Free Case Statement

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The Feeling of Being Set Free

We all know what it feels like to be held back.  When Jesus encountered people who were being held back he gave them his full attention, laid a hand on them and prayed for them.  Jesus went to their homes and ate with them.  He helped them confront their obstacles.  Jesus set them free. There's nothing like the feeling of being set free.

Set the Church Free

Our plan is to address two areas with Set Free capital campaign funds:

Retire our mortgage debt ($3 million). Raising $3 million during the three-year Set Free capital campaign contribution period will enable us to free up an average of $118,000 per year.  By May 2022, we will be completely Set Free from mortgage payments of $236,000 per year, every year!

Fund critical facility maintenance and improvements ($300,000 or about 10% of whatever we raise).  We will repair water leaks, update the sanctuary sound system and lighting, replace carpeting and tackle other projects that have been deferred for too long.  There's nothing like the feeling of being set free.

Imagine the Future

Imagine the kind of future when we have been set free to reach an entire new generation of people, to become known by the community as a church where every single person matters, and to finally open up our space to neighbors safely and hospitably.  Image a future when we are fully able to not just "do" more mission, but to "be" more relational, something that is deeply needed in the world and just so happens to be a growing stength of ours.  Imagine being set free to be the church God has created us to be.  There's nothing like the feeling of being set free.


Begin with Gratitude:

Write down this sentence: I am grateful for CCPC because__________.  Keep this gratitude reminder with you throughout the campaign and share it with others to remember why we must be Set Free.


As part of the CCPC family, we ask that you pray this one simple prayer every day, "Lord, what do you want to do through me?" As you pray, you will discover what God has planned for you and this church.

Consider Various Giving Strategies:

  • Give smaller gifts more frequently
  • Divert funds from entertainment, dining out, or other lifestyle changes
  • Delay major purchases like automobiles or trips allows giving opportunities
  • Sale of a major asset provides funds for giving
  • Dedicating a raise or bonus is a creative method to increase giving
  • A debt obligation that will be fullfilled in the next three years frees up revenue for giving and can help set the church fee as you become set free!

Set Free Campaign Commitment

I/We believe in the future of Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church and, with God's help, will endeavor to give to Set Free over and above my/our regular offerings.

I/We plan to give accordingly: